Thursday, January 22, 2015

New Beginnings (An Intro)

Welcome to my newest blogging endeavor.  I've started plenty of others, but I think this is one that I can really stick to since paintball is a sport that I have become very excited and passionate about over the past year.  I'm 31 years young, and only started playing about 12 months ago, so this is more of a budding hobby for me.  My goal for this blog is to share my journey with you and maybe help other new players expand expand their knowledge about this incredibly fun sport.  I also plan to share some of my favorite YouTube videos and other paintball related news as the regular paintball season approaches.

As I mentioned earlier, I started playing last February with some of my local buddies. We played for several months last year on some private land that we built up during the spring and summer months.  Times were good for a while, but eventually there were some events that made the land inaccessible to us.  The real shame is that we had cleared timber, built several bunkers and obstacles, and made the land ideal for the small games that we organized.  

This year, we will be playing occasionally at some commercial fields when we can afford it.  The downside to this is that the nearest field is an hour and a half drive from where I live, but the variety of fields available there seem to be quite good.  Overall, I am quite excited  to begin playing this spring and summer, and I hope that some of you will find some of the articles helpful or at least entertaining.

I have left the comments section open to those of you with Google access as well, so feel free to drop your own feedback, stories, or suggestions in the comments section below each post.  Just know that the comments will be moderated, so please keep your responses clean and be respectful.  I will be posting new content as often as I can, so stay tuned!  Until next time.


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