Sunday, December 27, 2015

Goals for 2016

The new year is right on the Horizon, so I thought it would be a good idea to dust the cobwebs off of the blog here and post about some of my goals for 2016.  I didn't accomplish nearly as much as I would have liked in 2015, and many of my goals went unfulfilled, but I'm motivated this year.  I have some interesting ideas that I would like to implement, and if I only get a couple of these things started, I'll be happy. Lists are my favorite, so here it goes in order of importance.

1) Blog More!

I really failed on keeping this think consistent last year, but I keep giving myself excuses to ignore my promises to post more often. The posts don't even need to be perfect or ground breaking, I just need to write them. There is no excuse for not doing so when I have access to the mobile app, and some private time during the weekends where I could get these things accomplished. This is one thing I can't ignore anymore.

2) Get Back in Shape

If there's one excuse I've used more often than any other to ignore my passions and to avoid leaving the house in general, it would have to be my weight. I'm not a naturally fit person, and I don't typically enjoy doing physically strenuous stuff, but I've gotten to the point where I feel pretty awful most of the time.  My body is clearly starting to give me some warning signs that I can't ignore any longer, so it's time for action.

Being over weight doesn't necessarily preclude a person from playing paintball, but it definitely changes the way I play the game and limits my options for play styles.  I'm going to lose the weight this year, and keep it off.  

Sorry for the personal stuff.  Let's move on to the more superficial.

3) Try Different Styles of Paintball Play

I've been toying with the idea of trying to change my tactics, and to really improve my skills on the field for some time now. The most practical way to do this is to play more often, but I think it's also important to challenge yourself in specific ways as well. During my trips to the field last year, I felt like I was shooting way too much, and not playing tactically enough, so this year I'm going to focus on conserving paint and using the field to my advantage.

I've recently ordered a couple of items to upgrade/modify my Tippmann A-5 that I plan to put to good use this year.  These parts will help me set up my first limited paint loadout, and to work on my awareness on the field.  I'll post some pictures, and maybe another video when I get the upgrades I ordered.

I'm also working on saving up for a mag-fed marker which is something that I've wanted for as long as I've been playing. Overall though, I'm going to focus less on getting new markers this year and more on how to use the equipment I already have more effectively.

4) Learn Not to Rely on My Friends to Plan Field Time

It was hard to get people to actually play along with me this past year, and I sent out invites on several different occasions with no responses. While this was frustrating, it also served as a reminder that you can't rely on others to enjoy yourself if they aren't as enthusiastic about something as you are.  I know several of my friends would have liked to play, but sometimes life just gets in the way. This year, I plan to get a year pass to my favorite field, and to go when it's convenient for me even if that means going alone.

5) Be More Involved in the Paintball Community

I said this last year too, but I already have my foot in the door with some paintball communities, and it would be great to hook up with some other players who share my enthusiasm for this hobby.  Nothing is certain yet, but if I can become a part of a more organized group, then I would be very happy and have something to really look forward to in the coming months.

6) Bring More Content to the Blog

Since my hobby budget isn't as extensive as some other player's, I need to find some creative ways to bring more content to the blog.  I've really been looking for a cost effective way to get some more video content included on these posts, and by the summer time I may even be able to record gameplay if I can get enough money together. I think that will be a great addition, but playing actual games will be a priority before recording any footage.

The important thing to remember here is that I don't need to be in a rush to spend a lot of money on something that won't pay off in the end anyway.  

This list wasn't as long as it could have been, but I don't want to beat myself up over some of my shortcomings from 2015 either.  The goal here is to set goals that are more easily obtainable rather than setting the bar so high that I won't reach it.  Some of the goals may evolve over time as well, so it's just a matter of digging in and trying to make some of them real.  I'll try to set posts to be delivered on a bi-weekly basis, and see how that goes.

Even if nobody reads this, it's nice to reflect on where I started, and to let that be a guide for where I want to end up.  

Here's to the New Year, and I hope that everyone has a great year to come!
